What we do

Since 2015, we have provided direct immigration legal services to thousands of immigrants and refugees. We have advocated on behalf of immigrants and refugees on the local, state, and federal levels.

Our Mission

Bringing stability to West Michigan families and communities through legal services, advocacy, and education.

I feel very confident. My lawyer speaks Spanish very well, and she’s comfortable. She understands the struggle of people.

— Eduardo, former LIA client

To start a case, please call our office to determine if you need a General Consultation, a Renewal Clinic Appointment, or an Asylum Phone Triage Appointment.

  • The cost of the consultation is $60, due at the time of scheduling the appointment.

  • We are a family-friendly office, including refreshments, and are accustomed to children in the office.

  • Due to the number of calls we receive, our legal representative’s schedules fill up quickly. We encourage you to call well in advance if your status is set to expire soon.