Immigrants have rights!!

Do you know what they are?

  • 1. Be polite, and remain calm.

    Do not sign anything I.C.E. gives you before your attorney has reviewed it.

    Respectfully record the interaction by taking pictures and videos. Note the date, time, car details, names and badge numbers of all officers.

    Write down exactly what happened and call your attorney!

    2.Do not open your doors.

    I.C.E. cannot enter without a signed warrant from a judge. WIthout a warrant, they can only come in if you let them in. Do not let them in.

    3. Stay Silent.

    According to the 5th amendment of the United States Constitution, you have the right to remain silent. I.C.E. can use anything you say in your immigration case. Say “I wish to remain silent” or “I wish to plead the fifth.”

  • The federal government maintains the right to board a bus or train without a warrant anywhere within 100 miles of an international border. Michigan lies entirely within a border zone.

    • Stay Silent: You have the right to remain silent and have a lawyer present for your questioning.

    • Present Documents: Show your green card or work permit if asked but don’t make statements about your immigration status. Anything you say can be held against you in court.

    • No Detention Without Reason: Agents need specific facts or reasonable suspicion that you are in violation of immigration or criminal law to detain you or search you.

    • No Searches Without Consent: Never agree to a search without probable cause.

    • Stay Honest: Never provide false documents to I.C.E. officers.


    You have the right to make one local phone call. Police are prohibited from listening to your calls, but assume that police are listening to ANY call you make.


    Read all documents FULLY and do not sign anything without first consulting an attorney.


    Do not say anything or make any decisions without consulting with your attorney. Tell the agents you will not say anything until you have a lawyer with you.

    • Give your A# (Alien Number) to a person you trust.

    • Obtain immigration legal representation.

    • Execute a Power of Attorney for the care of your minor children.

    • Make photo and physical copies of all important documents.

    • Execute a Durable Financial Power of Attorney for your property and bank accounts.

    • Start creating an Emergency Fund of money for legal, tracel, and other unexpected expenses.

    • Share your emergency plans with your friends, family, and any individuals who can assist you if you are deported or detained.