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Lighthouse Immigrant Advocates Announces Leadership Transition and Executive Director Search
Lighthouse Immigrant Advocates Announces Leadership Transition and Executive Director Search
Unless and Until We Act,
Minor policy changes to the Special Immigrant Visa Program could have a major impact on the lives of thousands of Afghan Nationals fleeing Taliban Rule.
Crisis in Afghanistan: From the Front Lines
New American Legal Clinic Intern Rachel Oostindie reflects on how her internship initiated a much deeper understanding of how the crisis in Afghanistan affects our neighbors and community.
Advocate for Victims and Immigrant Justice
Today, the VAF is at -$3,093.67, because the legal team at LIA has not stopped saying “yes, we will advocate for you” or “this will not cost you anything, because you have been through enough”. The legal team saw the need for victim advocacy more than double this year.
Afghan Food and Economic Crisis: One Year On
A year later, Taliban's return to power hinders life in Afghanistan. Food security is threatened by natural and political disasters.
On fire for the mission.
LIA was a fantastic example of a successful, unified, and determined team who is on fire for the mission.